Tuesday 16 February 2010

Director change sets Elektron's sights ever higher.

Today Elektron appointed Malcolm Argent CBE as a non executive....


Malcolm has had a distinguished career with BT and other appointments have included Deputy Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority (1995-8) and member of the boards of Westminster Healthcare Holdings PLC (1992-9) and Clerical Medical Investment Group Ltd (1994-2001).

Elektron appear to be setting their sights high appointing directors from Blue Chip companies to this rapidly growing Aim company.

Keith Daley, Chairman commented:

'We are delighted that Malcolm has agreed to join the Elektron board and I am sure that Shareholders will join me in welcoming his appointment at this exciting time for the Company. We are continuing to look for an additional non-executive director to further strengthen the board'.

I can't wait to hear who the next non executive will be.

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