Tuesday 16 February 2010

Director change sets Elektron's sights ever higher.

Today Elektron appointed Malcolm Argent CBE as a non executive....


Malcolm has had a distinguished career with BT and other appointments have included Deputy Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority (1995-8) and member of the boards of Westminster Healthcare Holdings PLC (1992-9) and Clerical Medical Investment Group Ltd (1994-2001).

Elektron appear to be setting their sights high appointing directors from Blue Chip companies to this rapidly growing Aim company.

Keith Daley, Chairman commented:

'We are delighted that Malcolm has agreed to join the Elektron board and I am sure that Shareholders will join me in welcoming his appointment at this exciting time for the Company. We are continuing to look for an additional non-executive director to further strengthen the board'.

I can't wait to hear who the next non executive will be.

Monday 15 February 2010

Broker upgrade and outlook.

Finncap upgraded Elektron's forecasts when they issues a trading statement on 12th January.

They believe recent strong trading will flow through into the first quarter of FY11e. One of the reasons for that is because Elektron mainy manufacture to order, therefore any orders placed in December/January will see profitability flow through to next years figures. Moreover Elektron win one off orders and its likely these will be hinted at to brokers.

The main changes to forecasts on turnover and eps are:-

Year end Jan 2010...

Turnover increased from £28.45m to £29.60 a forecast increase of 4%

EBIT adj from 0.020 to 1.20p a 500% upgrade.

EPS adj 0.01 to 1.15p

The brokers have indicated that Elektron's competitors are on a pe ratio of 13 times earnings and have therefore pencilled in a price target of 15p for Elektron. It has to be said however those forecasts are based on year end Jan 2010 figures and in my view the current share price is undervalued on the current earnings forecasts for Year end Jan 2011 and 2012.

Finncap have left Year end Jan 2011 and year end Jan 2012 unchanged.

Forecasts for Jan 2011 are eps of 3.40p and Jan 2012 of 4.45p

However with current trading appearing to be significantly up on last year, I feel Finncap will have to upgrade 2011 and 2012 forecasts in due course. This is what Elektron said in their recent trading statement..." In December average daily order intake exceeded £175k per day which was a record for that month, representing a 74% increase on the prior year comparable figure."

Further evidence that things are picking up recently, Premier Farnell and Electromponents have indicated good trading of late more so in the far east, the US and China, which are growing strongly.

I am expecting a further pre close statement in due course. At that stage I expect further upgrades to 2010/2011 turnover, profitabiluty and eps.

However if we follow Finncap's methadology on EKT's competitors being placed on a multiple of 13 times earnings on 2011 eps of 3.40p that would equate to a target share price of 44.2p and for Jan year end 2012 on an eps of 4.45p would equate to a target price of 57.85p.

I think however, Elektron should be on a rating of at least 15 times earnings I base that on a strong balance sheet with low gearing, and rapid rise in eps the next 2 years with better prospects than Finncap have indicated.

Finncaps 9th July 2009 cash forecasts show :-

£0,347,000 cash for Jan year end 2010

£2,858,000 cash for Jan year end 2011

£5,908,000cash for Jan year end 2012.

Taking into account trading at year end being significantly higher than broker forecasts, I suspect the cash position will be far better than Finncap have forecast. Moreover interest charges should be lower as Elektron payed a scrip divi, which was accepted by over 50% of shareholders. This will have resulted in further cash savings.

When the company came out with their trading statement in Jan the company also announced a possible sale of their stake in Hartest. Should the Delta offer be accepted on the 22nd February 2010 Elektron will receive proceeds of approx £1.3 million.

My own Cash balance forecasts taking account of uptake in orders at year end and payment of scrip dividend are as follows ;-

For year end Jan 2010.

Previous profit forecasts EBIDTA adj 0.78 million. Upgraded to £.1.02 = an increase of 340k

Estimated saving on scrip dividend of say 200k plus an estimated savings on interest charges of say 50k = 250k

Previously Finns forecast cash balances for Jan year end 2010 £0.347,000 add on above savings of 737,000 = Cash balances at year end 2009 = £1,084,000

For Jan year end 2011 Finns had cash balances of £2,858,000. Add on 737k = £3.585,000. However should the HTH stake sale go through EKT will receive a further £1.3 million less tax which could equate to cash at year end of approx £4,485,000

Finns had cash balances of £5,903,000 for year Jan year end 2012 taking account of the above would equate to approx £7,640,000

Sunday 14 February 2010

Trading statement and possible disposal.

Elektron issued a trading statement on the 12th January and


Key points :-

a. Significant upturn in orders. December had a daily order intake of 175k per day a record for that month and a 74% increase on the prior year comparable figure.

b. The company indicates profit will significantly exceed broker forecasts.

c. There is to be divisonal reorganisation, the number of divisions reduced from 3 to 2 the two new divisions being Elektron Technology and Elektron Ventures.

d. "The purpose of the reorganisation is to focus the Group and its management on the highest growth opportunities.
ET is currently concentrating on opportunities within the global connector market (estimated $35 billion sales in 2009). Each EV business unit will be managed for growth and where growth is not available, consideration will be given to disposal of the relevant business unit."

e. "The Board announces that it has signed a non binding letter of intent to enter into an irrevocable undertaking to accept an offer, when made, by Delta Controls Limited for all of the issued, and to be issued, share capital of Hartest Holdings plc at a price of 69p per share. There can be no certainty that Delta will make an offer or that any offer made will be successful. However in the event that an offer is successful Elektron expects to receive proceeds of approximately £1.37 million representing a profit on original cost of £0.01m and a profit on last reported carrying value of £0.90m. "